Hi, and welcome to my website.
I'm a self taught indie developer, here you will find information about my projects.
I've always been interested in computers, mostly 3D, some years ago i got hold of a 3d programme called imagine, I used to dabble with that making 3D models in my spare time, I also tried my hand in some basic coding.
A few years ago I found Unity 3D and that re-sparked my interest in 3d and coding, so i had to make the decision to code in javascript or C# and i went with javascript, a decision i’ve become to regret as Unity has announced they will be dropping support for javascript.
Over the years i’ve written quite a bit of C# so in my latest project I decided to convert all the javascript scrips to C# making sure the project was not broken along the way.
I'm using assets I've purchased from the Asset Store, 3D Art, Mr Necturus and Profi Developers, and I need to thank people in the forums of Unity forum, Unity Answers, Stackoverflow, and Armedunity for all the help along the way.
Please browse the site to find out more of what I've done, doing, and the services i provide, if you would like to commission a project, App or other software please use the Contact form.
To see the latest pictures, videos and news updates please go to my FaceBook page, and if you like what you see please like it, thanks.